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2020 tests the timber

“This is where we face the truth… We’re gonna test the timber we’re made of”

That’s a bit of a tease. It’s a couple of (disconnected) lines from 100 mile house’s current song “Test the Timber,” but it’s also apropos for Fallen Tree Records as we enter our second year of operations. Last year we found our feet, but this year is where we really get to see what we’re made of. Thankfully what we’re made of is some incredible, incendiary, intelligent music (as 2019’s releases from Jon Brooks, Jessica Heine and Silent Winters illustrated)

As you can see above, we’ve already been busy: 100 mile house, Logan and Nathan, and Ayla Brook & The Sound Men have put out singles, preparing us for albums in March and April. Jay Aymar meanwhile has allowed us to re-issue Your Perfect Matador.

You’d make the artists’ day if you watched, listened, downloaded, bought and shared these releases with your friends and family, and you’d be strengthening our timber so that we can carry even more great music to you in the future.

If you want to delve in straight away, give our monthly playlist Spoke and Spin, a stream. That will introduce you to some of our artists, some of our favourite tunes right now, and give you an idea of the kind of sounds you will hear from Fallen Tree Records in the future.

And if you’re on Spotify, we’d love it if you followed our artists – it makes a big difference to their music being discovered by others, and keeps you up to date with new releases. To make it easy for you, just head here, and click Follow, Follow, Follow…